Foreign Office confirms imports embargo from PBR and Legopolis over Megablok outbreak


The Foreign Office has confirmed this afternoon that an embargo on goods imports from both the PBR and Federation of Legopolis is in place after both countries confirmed outbreaks of a previously unheard of condition, Megablok Disease. The disease is understood to have originated in the developing PBR with horrifying symptoms.

PBR state media reported that the symptoms include “not holding bricks proper, falling down or apart, not clicking together with Lego are all signs you have contracted Megablok, a deadly disease.”

The reports have frightened many minifigs in the Empire with callers to various television and radio shows voicing their concerns. The growing chorus from a nervous populace is for the government to impose a travel ban on all visitors from infected countries until the disease is wiped out.

“We don’t need their diseases,” said caller Jimmy Martins to NTL’s We’re All Minifigs show. His view was echoed by a subsequent caller, Martha Kindel who said that “we’ve enough to be getting on with without having to deal with the latest PBR disease.”