Team Picker Tool

Team Picker Tool

The low budget route
Low budget teams are cheaper teams to takeover. Going this route reduces the negative impact of large debts being placed on the team’s balance sheet and allows you more room to focus on growing the team into a bigger side. Cheaper teams however tend to be smaller teams with reduced potential for establishing significant revenue streams, for example they may have smaller fan-bases and stadiums with lower seating capacities which can impact sponsorship deals and ticket sales. These teams often have difficulty just avoiding the chaos that is the annual relegation battle.

Franchises available in this category are:

Franchise Current Division Pricetag £m
Ajax Skerries Serie B 30
Archangel Serie B 30
Castleland United Serie A 30
Claremont Serie B 25
Legoland Town Serie B 25
Republic Serie B 25
Atlas Bell Serie B 20
Legoland City Serie B 15

The splashing the cash route
Joining the big boys of Legoland football is an expensive business. Expect to fork out a premium for a top side but be careful not to over-extend the club on the financial side or you may steer the club towards financial ruin and inevitable disaster on the football field.

Franchises available in this category are:

Franchise Current Division Pricetag £m
Real Legoland Serie A 80
Bulls Serie A 60
Port Villa Serie A 45

Loko’s suggestion
Check out the team’s recent history and playing staff before making your choice! Past league tables are a quick and easy way to review how a team has been doing over a number of seasons. Reviewing the team’s playing staff focusing in particular on player ratings and values will give you a good indication as to whether there is the potential to sell some top players to pay off the team’s new debts resulting from your takeover. But beware, selling all your team’s best players can only result in one thing; near certain poorer match results!